Welcome to Vidyaniketan Class


Why Choose Our Classes?

Discuss your career aspirations, and talk about how the course aligns with your career goals. Be specific when discussing how you hope this specific course prepares you for your career. Share specific career milestones you hope to achieve, and discuss why you chose this specific career.

Teaching methodology by expert faculty

The cohesive atmosphere of disciplined learning with fun by our expert faculty ensures that the syllabus is taught by revising the basics and then diving into the depth of the concept for understanding of each topic and smooth transition to the higher standards.

Values for life

The core values of determination, HARD WORK, Holistic Learning, Social Ethics, and concern for society & environment are all closely interwoven into the fibre of our academic programs "LOW AIIM IS A CRIME " is minted in our students psyche providing them a precise competitive spirit.

Revision lectures

The pen-paper test is conducted as:-
• weekly test
• Unit Test – I
• Half Yearly (Term – I)
• Unit Test – II
• Final Examination (Term – II)
• Listening and Speaking Skills

Make an Appointment

Appointments take place at a specific date, time and location, and they involve fewer individuals than meetings.

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