Welcome to Vidyaniketan Class


About Our Classes & Institute

Mr. Vikas Sakore Sir, the founder, principal of the classes aware of the humble beginning of Vidyaniketan Coaching Classes in the year April 2015 with just 32 students , is glad to have been Able to expand the classes, to teach thousands of students today, with more than sufficient staff assisting him. The bright performances of Vidyaniketan Coaching Classes’ students year after year have been the driving force behind its success. The commitment of the teachers to draw the best out of weak students has also been an important factor contributing to the trust the classes enjoys among the parents.


• To provide top-notch holistic education, with a broad, participative and balanced curriculumm
• To facilitate a nurturing and safe environment that encourages lifelong learning and personal growth
• To enable students to discover their talents & capabilities and achieve their true potential, so that they may reach the highest possible standard in everything they undertake
• To encourage citizenship and responsibility and teach generosity of spirit, so that students become self-disciplined and learn to respect themselves, each other, and the world in general.


• Vidyaniketan classes aims at nurturing individuals with paramount values and multivalent competencies. This lofty ideal is accomplished by virtue of a dynamic curriculum that envisions not only academic excellence but a wholesome all round development of the child, his character and personality, aesthetic refinements, effective skills and the art of living.


First, coaching expertise refers to specific knowledge in particular contexts. This is consistent with the expertise literature across domains in which a specific knowledge base provides the foundation for expertise.


Vidyaniketan Coaching Classes all provide Special features for the studends.

  • Well qualified Teachers and Staff.
  • Subject wise Teachers.
  • Personal observation of each student.
  • Conversation of teachers with parents.
  • Subject wise Teachers.
  • Visit of subject expert.
  • Arranged Motivational lectures.
  • Carrier guidance.
  • Study Room facility.
  • Monthly parents meeting.
  • Weekly Chapterwise Test.
  • Prize distribution of Monthly test.
  • Annual prize distribution Board exam.
  • Teacher Day Program.
  • Sport Meet Celibration annualy.
  • Students Send-off ceremony.
  • CCTV Servival.

Make an Appointment

Appointments take place at a specific date, time and location, and they involve fewer individuals than meetings.

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